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images from "resonance"

Fang, Fluff, Wayne and Antnee put the bounce in the bank holiday revelries and then rode off into the sunset like the four horsepersons of the disc-pocalypse and left us blinking, dishevelled and wanting more.

click on thumbnail to view full size image. If you would like a full size copy of any of the images, email pictures@binglybongly.net including the event and the picture number, and we'll oblige. Images are typically 2.8 - 3.0 Mb in size.

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The eleventh binglybongly bash on the 20th April 2003 was just fab!

We played all sorts of music to make you leap from your creaky experiment table and pull the electrodes from your forehead, very much in a low budget 1930's black & white Sci-fi B-movie kinda way.

Our wild haired lab technicians Captain Fang, Fluff, Wayne and Antnee stabilised their variable resistors and recalibrated their dichromatic discombobulators and gave us a guided tour around the sonic spectrum and beyond.

Another magical interior by fabricate, funky visuals by binglybongly and igloo, live percussion, and holistic massage. You may have liked it, we certainly did!

Thanks to everyone who helped to make it happen.


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Registered in England and Wales. No. 04270573.
Registered office: downstairs on the left, 55 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3QQ England