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coming events
july 12
barge bash 2
at the
Battersea Barge



recent events
june 14
Launch of
at the
Battersea Barge

december 31 '08
binglybongly new year's bash
at the 491 gallery

april 18 '08
the synergy project
at seOne london

december 31 '07
binglybonkers new year's eve
at the 491 gallery

wed july 18 '07
Flower Show
at St Mary's Secret Garden

wed july 18 '07
Shoreditch Map launch
at the Spitz from 6.30pm

march 24/25
a binglybongly spring roll
at the 491 gallery

fri nov 24
pics of
the synergy project
at seOne London

sun 10 sept
Sofa Sundaze
at the 491 gallery

wed july 25
Thrive flower show
at St Mary's Garden

fri mar 10
pics of
the synergy project
at seOne london

sun feb 26
the mellout
inn on the green
ladbroke grove

being human
Hackney Empire

Thrive Flower Show
St Mary's Garden

the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

sat june 18
at Jamm, Brixton

being human
at the Spitz

june 4
the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

fri april 29
deep down & bongly
at the Synergy Project

sat april 2
the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

fri feb 25
the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

fri dec 17
the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

sat nov 20
the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

thurs sept 30
the good, the bad, & the bongly
at the Foundry

sun sept 19
shoreditch carnival

contact us
privacy policy


images for publication

click on thumbnail to view larger image. If you would like a full size copy of any of the images, email pictures@binglybongly.net with the picture name/number, and we'll oblige. Full size images are typically 2.8 - 3.0 Mb in size.

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More info on our events can be found in the left-hand menu.


binglybongly productions has been set up to help alleviate, through uplifting music, the stresses associated with modern living.

Some music has the ability to alter your mood in a positive way, which can help you to deal with seemingly overwhelming problems.

As well as producing top quality events and upbeat music collections, we are researching the connection between music and well-being and good health. We are now providing this information via the wellbeing section of the web site.

If you would like more information or would like to get involved, please email Tony, or call us on 020 7739 7661

You can find out more about us here.

© productions limited 2001-2008
Registered in England and Wales. No. 04270573.
Registered office: downstairs on the left, 55 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3QQ England